7 Things I Learnt From Staying In Hospital

Guys, I won't lie, being an inpatient in a hospital is not fun. But the things I learned from staying in the hospital will stand me in good stead for future hospital stays. For those who don't know that I've been in hospital or know why I've been in hospital, let's take a moment for an explanation...

Hospital bed, Llandough Hospital, Cardiff

For those who don't know, I have Cystic Fibrosis, a nightmare of a lung disease that has been a constant battle by my side since I was a tiny foetus. Sometimes, my little lungs don't like playing ball and decide to be what I call...a pain in the arse. Now, quite recently, my lungs haven't been brilliant. Kaftrio (the new miracle drug I'm taking for CF) has been a godsend for me since I started taking it six months ago. However, sometimes, those little nasty viral infections can creep in and cause my lungs to be problematic. Basically, I bring up a lot more phlegm than I'm used to. 

After an emergency dash to the CF clinic, it was decided that a stay in the ward for some intense physiotherapy on the CF ward would be beneficial in helping to get my lowered lung function back up. Something which I was eager to do and do quickly to resolve the issue ASAP. 

Anyway, I arrived on the ward, hot and bothered from dragging a suitcase and weekend bag with me, full of stuff needed for my inpatient stay. 

Things I Learnt From Staying In Hospital

A few days later, after a few doses of gym sessions, intense physiotherapy and feeling like a hippo, I was sent home by the doctors. I left the ward with a smile on my face and feeling 100% better than I had done previously. 

Like I said at the top of the post, I've learnt a few things about being an inpatient in a hospital, and here's what those lessons are -

1) Establishing a home from home routine isn't easy

Getting that routine nailed down when you arrive on the ward is not easy at all. Before this, I hadn't been an inpatient in nine years, which is an incredibly long time. Trying to bring in that routine I have built for myself at home was no easy feat. I kind of had to adjust to the ward's routine, which took me a few days to get used to. I brought stuff from home to make the change easier, speaking of home...

2)  Bringing in home comforts helped

We all have items we take with us when we go away from home. When you stay in the hospital, it's essential. Just to have that smell of home with you makes me feel better. Ok, it can make you a bit homesick too, but I think if you find it comforting, it's worth it. For me, it was bringing in my own mug and towel was helpful and comforting. I'd have brought in my pillow but it would have been a ballache trying to carry that amongst my other things! Believe me, when I say, pillows aren't easy to carry when you're on your own and you got to drag all your other belongings with you!

7 Things I Learnt From Staying In Hospital

3) Stock up on snacks

You cannot, I repeat, cannot stay in the hospital without bringing those extra goodies from the cupboard or the fridge. I remember from when I was a kid, I insisted that my Mam brought in tomato ketchup, Milkybars and Starburst as my goodies! I didn't eat them altogether, but you know. Rewind back to today, I made sure that I packed bourbon biscuits, Pot Noodles, prawn cocktail crisps and small pots of jelly. I was going to bring in Dairylea Dunkers but I stupidly left them behind. Sigh. 
But yes, snacks are key to keeping your stay as content as possible. If you're not a fan of hospital food, snacks are very necessary. Speaking of hospital food...

4) Hospital food is the one

I won't lie guys, when I was a kid on the ward, I always used to be in the queue first for food. Like - ALWAYS. I would practically run to be first in the queue! Hospital food is really nice, I mean, seriously nice. Ok, some people may argue with me on that one. But I promise you guys, it's a lot better than it was many years ago. On the days I was in the hospital, I ate three hearty meals a day. All so tasty and very filling. 

7 Things I Learnt From Staying In Hospital

5) The boredom will come

Oh, guys, hospital inpatient boredom is the worst kind of boredom. Once it hits, it takes a while for it to go. Due to Covid regulations, I wasn't allowed outside of my room unless told otherwise. I made sure to go to the hospital gym while there to get myself out of the room. As much as my room was nice, staring at the same four walls for long periods isn't great. 

6) Technology is essential

For the love of God, don't forget your devices. If you're not comfortable bringing valuables to the hospital, that's totally understandable. As I had a room of my own, I felt safe having things like my laptop and my phone with me. There was a safe in my room so I could put my valuables in there during the day and at night. Even though there was a TV in my room, sometimes when there's nothing on TV, you need a little bit of social media to entertain yourself! Remember, if technology isn't for you, books will be your best friends!

lessons I learnt from being in hospital

7) I'll remember the ear plugs/eye mask for next time

The noises and lights that you hear and see when you want to go to sleep are insane. Next time I stay on the ward, I'll make sure to pack earplugs and a sleep mask to drown out the noise and block out the lights!

These are the 7 things I learned from staying in the hospital! 

I hope nobody who reads this ever has to be an inpatient on a hospital ward anytime soon! I do hope though that this post will help if, heaven forbid, you end up being hospitalised. I do genuinely think staying in a hospital is a learning curve. Even though it's practically my second home, being an inpatient is completely different from just popping in for an appointment!  

I'd love to know your thoughts on this!
  1. I'm so pleased to hear things have improved! I hope I'll never have to stay in hospital but if I do, this post has some great tips!

    Katy | www.katystephenson.com | www.thegrownupsclub.com

  2. I saw on your socials you'd been in hospital but I didn't know why - I'm so glad you're feeling better now though. And yes, ear plugs are a MUST, I take them everywhere with me, wherever I'm staying! x

    1. Thank you Lisa, I'm feeling a lot better now! I don't blame you for taking ear plugs everywhere with you, I usually do when I stay in a hotel etc x

  3. Good to hear you are getting better. I find hospitals quite scary and I think I would be scared to stay in. This is a really helpful post for people who may be going into hospital on what to take with them. Thank you for sharing your personal experience.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

    1. Thank you Lauren, hospital aren't the nicest places in the world, especially in these times of Covid, but using these tips can really help make the hospital stay better! x

  4. Thank you for sharing your experience! Means a lot x


  5. It sounds like you took some great points and tips away from your stay. Hospital food always has a stigma to it but I agree it is so tasty. It always makes my mouth water when you can smell it on its way.

    1. I've been in hospital so many times in my life so these tips are second nature to me! The smell of hot food when your an inpatient is like no other!

  6. Really happy to hear you're doing good after your time on hospital! This post is very helpful and I love all of your tips xx

    1. Thank you Della! I hope these tips do help someone who ever has to stay in hospital xx

  7. So glad you're back home. I was watching your stories all last week and I really love how you turned a potential negative into a positive. I had to stay in hospital a couple of times and my home comforts really got me through it!


    1. Aww thank you Rosie, it's always good to try and look on the bright side when possible! Home comforts really do help don't they?!

  8. I love this! I’m in and out of hospital all the time and totally agree with these tips. I hope your okay lovely and you start feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing this Xo

    Elle - ellegracedeveson.com

    1. Thank you Elle, I hope you're doing ok too! x

  9. Glad to hear you're doing better! And yes to the hospital food, I'm in and out of the hospital with every asthma attack and I have definitely noticed the food is waaaay better than it was when I was younger ha :)

    1. The food is the best, you're definitely always fed well in hospital!

  10. Glad to hear that you are doing better. Staying in the hospital is no fun, but glad you shared this awesome list!

    1. Thank you Charity, I hope these tips can help someone!

  11. I'm so glad that you're home and to hear you're feeling better. Thank you for sharing this, it's really insightful. I'm 100% with you on the hospital food thing. I remember when I was in having Amelia I ate better than I did at home. I'm looking forward to going in again for baby no.2 because of this exact reason haha. I had a pudding with literally every meal, something I'd never do at home. Your room looks lovely as well, as far as hospital rooms go, it looks pretty comfortable and I bet it was nice to have your own space there.


    1. Thank you Claire, I'm glad to be home too!
      I felt the same, I ate better in hospital than I normally do at home, like you, I had a pudding with lunch and dinner, something which I don't normally do unless I'm out eating somewhere!
      Yes my hospital room was lovely, spacious and comfortable! x

  12. Ruth| Ruthiee loves Glamour15 September 2021 at 00:18

    Oh! I'm so glad you are doing better. Your hospital room looks fantastic. I have never seen a hospital room this beautiful before! I haven't had hospital food before but I have had great testimonies from those who have had hospital food lol. Thank you for sharing x

    1. Thank you Ruth, this room was on a newly built ward so it was very nice indeed! Hospital food is the best! x

  13. Wow what room looks nice! I mean, as nice as it can! I liked the food when I was in hospital, too. The had a big menu that you could pick from and brought it to you haha.

    Hope you don't have anymore hospital visits soon!

    Corinne x

    1. There's always so much choice on the menu, I love it! x

  14. this is genuinely so thoughtful and helpful!! i'm so blessed to have never needed to stay in the hospital, but i will certainly refer back to this if something changes, or if someone i love has to spend an extended time there. xx


    1. I hope you never have to stay in hospital Macey, but I do hope that this post helps so many others who do have to! xx

  15. Thank you for sharing your experiences, for myself it's also been years since I've spent some time admitted to the hospital for my chronic illnesses (thankfully!). You've outlined a lot of my essentials - for me hydration beverages we re so key as the air is always so dry in hospitals, as well as bringing long charging cables because all the outlets are so far away from the beds! I'm glad you're feeling better - and thanks for sharing this informative list with others!

    1. Oh I know what you mean, hospital air makes my skin and lips feel so dry! I'll remember to take an extension lead next time for when I need to charge things! x

  16. Hi Lucy,

    I'm glad that you are feeling better after your trip to hospital.

    Thanks for your tips about staying in hospital. I had a 2-week stay in hospital after breaking my leg doing ju-jitsu - the worst thing was the pain, the second worst thing was the boredom! Day after day lay in bed with sod all to do (other than listen to the various unpleasant noises that you hear in hospitals!). I think it would be easier these days with various electronic devices to help fight the boredom (yes, I'm old and my visit was 20 years ago!).

    1. Thank you Richie, I'm glad to be feeling better too!
      Not being able to get up to do anything must have been so hard, I can imagine how horrible the boredom was!

  17. This is such a helpful post. I have learnt that having a charger for my phone and a super long cable is always an essential for me!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

    1. I will definitely need to remember to bring an extra long cable next time I go into hospital!

  18. Glad to hear you're okay, Lucy! It's refreshing to read about your routine and the hospital food is good! I've not really been admitted to the hospital so I don't know what the food but I've read its horrific so I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for sharing x

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

    1. Hospital food is the best Lynn, I'm so glad it was nice as it made the stay more bearable! x

  19. Thankfully, I have yet to be an inpatient in hospital, but this is certainly very useful and good to know!

  20. Bringing items from home is so important! Especially to keep you occupied!

    1. It really does help bringing items in from home!

  21. This was a great post. I know that staying in the hospital can be hard. But the technology they have, plus the tests and ways to help you get better is essential. I have been in and out of hospitals all my life because of IBD and it can be rough if you feel bad. But it is great when you feel better and when you leave with all the important information you receive. Hope you're having a great week.

    1. I hope you're doing ok at the moment Heather, I hope you don't have another hospital visit anytime soon!

  22. I saw that you were in hospital but I'm so happy that you're back and feeling a little better. I hope you're okay! Thank you for sharing your tips and experiences. I've personally never had to stay overnight, but my dad had to a few months ago so this post has helped me to know what to pack for his next stay! Em x

    1. Thank you Em, I'm glad to be out as well! This may be good for your Dad to read! x
