Reflecting On A Year In Lockdown

This last twelve months has been similar to doing the Hokey Cokey. We've been in, out, in, out and shaking it all about. Before going back in again. 

We've reached the point that it was over a year ago that the first lockdown was announced and we were told to stay at home. All of us thinking that this lockdown was going to be the one and only lockdown. By the Summer, we were going to go back to our normal lives and Covid would have been a distant memory. Oh how wrong we were. 

Reflecting On A Year In Lockdown

Twelve months later, we're into our third lockdown (I think, I've lost track) and there seems to be some sceptical hope in sight. I'm hoping that by the Summer (for definite) things will be a little better and that we can have some sort of normality. Again, I'm still a little sceptical. After shielding for a year though, can you blame me?

Usually reflection posts are ones that are done at the end of a calendar year, but as these last twelve months have been so infamous, I think it felt right to write a post about what this last year has taught me and reflect on a year in lockdown.

I can safely say that I will be leaving lockdown, whenever that ends, a different woman. I have become a lot more savage in my personality and I get very agitated and even the most minor of conveniences annoy the eff out of me now. When you see some people you follow on social media platforms break lockdown rules constantly whilst you're stuck in the house shielding watching your cat play fetch, you do get a little bitter and angry at things like that.

Reflecting On A Year In Lockdown

Hopefully when I leave lockdown, that hostility will leave my personality instantly and I'll go back to being pre pandemic Lucy. Who knows, but that's the hope. 

Another thing that lockdown has taught me is to be more appreciative, even if it's just the littlest of things. I have begun to learn to be grateful for the food I eat, the roof over my head, the family and friends I have, the health care I receive (not that I didn't immensely appreciate that before) and the love that is around me. Some people didn't have some of those things during lockdown to keep them going, so it's important for me to be thankful of what I do have and not so much moaning on my part.

My mental health these last twelve months has been up and down like a rollercoaster (scuse the cliché) and there have been phases of feeling hopeless, useless and alone (I've been living with my Mam for those wondering, but still) there have been a couple of highs that have occurred during these lockdowns. Kaftrio becoming available for those with Cystic Fibrosis, starting Kaftrio myself, Liverpool winning the Premier League and having wonderful neighbours who I have seen more than my family and friends this year. Neighbours have become family to me during lockdown. I couldn't be more grateful for having such wonderful neighbours giving me support when I've needed it most. 

I was never going to write this post and be so negative about being in lockdown. Ok, it has stunk and still stinks now. But I'm somebody who looks for the positives, whether that be in people (except Bozza, Piers Morgan or Donald Trump) or situations, there was no way I was never not going to mention the positives in the above paragraph.

Reflecting On A Year In Lockdown

Being stuck at home has allowed me to discover my own self limits and what I am capable of as a person. I've been setting myself limits of what is easier to achieve rather than what I really want to achieve in my life. I've limited my capabilities and have allowed myself to believe that I haven't got the potential to go for what I want. That stops after lockdown ends. I need to reach for the stars (S Club 7 throwback right there)

I could go on and on reflecting on a year in lockdown, but I don't want this post to be like a long novel. Lockdown has treated us all differently. We've all been put on the same boat but sailed in different directions. Does that make sense?

I'd like to think that the world will hopefully be a better place after the pandemic ends (whenever that may be) and we will be kinder to each other, respect others more, be mindful of each other and just be kinder to ourselves. 

Reflecting On A Year In Lockdown

Also I'm praying and begging on my hands and knees (literally) that I will NOT have to do a similar post like this in March 2022. I think I will be a much angrier person if I had to otherwise!

For those who are struggling during this (I think) third lockdown - you're almost there. We all are. Just hang in there and you'll soon be reuniting with family and friends. You'll be going to have that coffee date with friends. You'll be going to that family BBQ. You'll be going on that staycation with loved ones. You'll be going to the pub for that anticipated first alcoholic drink outside the home. Just hang on in there, we're so close.

How would you sum up these last 12 months for yourself? Let me know below!
  1. I also pray that others come out of this as better people, as someone who works with the public the nastiness really gets to me. This lockdown has taught me to stand up for myself and I won't be putting up with th nasty comments any more, `weve come through a global pandemic and your being a negligible nancy?!` is going to be my stock response haha! Milli X -

    1. Oh I know how you feel about working with the public, I've had to get a bit tougher and stand up for myself!
      I love that response Milli, I'm going to try that too! x

  2. I agree with you, I've changed a lot since this time last year. I've hardened and become less open to make long term plans. I'll be seizing the day more and enjoying life when I can. So many things were taught to me the hard way but I'm going to turn them into positives.
    Love your honesty in this one!


    1. I know what you mean Rosie, I've become a lot tougher since all of this started and I've become an angrier person in a way, which is sad! I love how you've said that you're planning to seize the day!

  3. This was so interesting to read, and get your take on lockdown and how it has been for you. I've also been able to spend the time working on myself and feeling so grateful for what's around me. I'm hoping by summer things are back to normal x

    1. Thank you Della!
      I'm hoping things return to some sort of normal by the Summer too lovely, I love that you said that you are feeling more grateful as to what is around you x

  4. Never has it been described as well as this - We've all been put on the same boat but sailed in different directions. - Beautiful Lucy.

    Lockdown has had its really tough time but I think moving forward with the positives in mind is actually key to reaching some new kind of normal if I am honest x x

    1. Ah thank you Claire, I'm glad that made sense, I wasn't sure if I had written it wrong!

      I completely agree lovely, moving forward with the positives in mind is our way of reaching and achieving a new normal for us all xx

  5. I'm joining you in hoping the world will be a kinder place here in the UK once restrictions have lifted. This has been such a strange time, and like you say, a time when many of us have found out more about ourselves through spending so much time indoors! x

    1. Oh I hope so Gabrielle, this world does need more kindness in it! Absolutely, I think it's safe to say that we have all learnt a lot about ourselves being indoors all of the time! x

  6. I can't really believe that it's been a year, it feels quite surreal. I feel the same about my mental health, as I'm sure everyone does, it's been a really trying year and we have to make sure we're not too hard on ourselves, it's literally something we never could have seen coming. I agree I'd really want the world to become kinder, and take a step back to evaluate our kindness and what more we can do to be kind to one another

    1. Oh I know lovely, it has been quite a surreal year! It's important to remember not to be too hard on ourselves, we have all been through an awful lot this year. I just hope that the world will be a much kinder place now after all this is over, one can hope!

  7. This is a great reflective post. I've found that neighbours have become like family too. I don't think any of us ever thought it would all last as long as it has but I definitely think looking to the future is beneficial for our mental health.

    1. Thank you Kelly! I don't think anyone could have ever have seen this coming and no one would have ever predicted that it last this long! Looking ahead to the future is important for our mental health now, definitely x

  8. I loved reading this, I was feeling the words just as I was having a conversation about this lockdown and pandemic with you. I totally understand. I have been feeling a whole lot of emotions ( a total rollercoaster as you said). But yes, I see hope! I believe that things will be better in the near future, but for now we need to be patient. We have been this whole time, a little more won't hurt as bad. We got this!

    1. Aww thank you so much!
      We definitely need to be patient, things will are are going to get better, it just needs a little bit of time.
      Yes, we got this!

  9. It is so hard to believe that it has already been a full year!

    Danielle |

  10. I cannot believe its been a year... wow!

    Lisa |

  11. It has been a crazy 12 months, hasn't it?! Like you I am sceptical but hopefully this will be the last one. I feel I have been incredibly lucky over the last year, as I have been able to keep my usual routine. Despite how dificult it has been working in healthcare throughout the last year, I am lucky, as so many others have lost their jobs and even more because of everything that has happened. I think adjusting to 'normal' is going to be as equally hard too!
    Thanks for sharng your reflection Lucy!
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

    1. I'm praying that this is last long term lockdown Aimsy, I think it's been such a trying year! Thank you for everything you have done so far this year lovely!
      Adjusting to this new normal is going to be extremely hard but I hope we can all do it! x

  12. The longest (and shortest!) 12 months of my life. SO SO many changes, and I am still trying to make the best of it...between a lost job, a new adventure and the complete and constant fear about this virus...I just want to start living again (with some changes to my old habits!).

    1. Wow you certainly have been through the ringer these last 12 months! I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your job Simona, I hope you are doing ok. Like you, I just want to start living again x

  13. I agree with you, I have changed a lot throughout the various lockdowns and the roller coaster that has been this pandemic. Personally, it has helped me to find not only my voice in many situations but also to identify my priorities. I was one of those people who was ALWAYS on the go before - I couldn't just sit still. Now, I understand the value of spending time relaxing and enjoying the company of my husband and our pets.

    1. I love how this lockdown situation has allowed to find your voice and identify your priorities. It sounds like you have learnt a lot about yourself which is lovely to read. I'm like you, I'm somebody who was always on the go so I've felt like a caged animal during these lockdowns! I kind of found the joy of relaxing now which is nice x

  14. I think everyone's coped with lockdown in different ways - for me its just got harder as time goes on. Very interesting post to read

    1. They have coped with it in so many different ways, I just hope it is all over soon!

  15. I'm very grateful to say my year in lockdown has actually been a blessing of sorts. I've changed a lot and I have managed to achieve some things that I just wouldn't have had time to do normally.

    1. Aww that's amazing to hear Ellie, I'm glad that lockdown has treated you well and that you have managed to achieve so many things!

  16. I think lockdown has been very different for different people. It has certainly had its up and downs for me. I started working for the NHS the first Monday after the first lockdown was announced so I don't really know any other way or working in my current job. I have achieved a lot but have also had a lot of down days too. Now the end is in sight it is exciting to be able to start planning again.

    1. Wow you were definitely thrown in at the deep end then Sarah! Thank you for everything you have done since the first lockdown lovely.
      I am really hoping that the end is in sight and that we can start planning again too!

  17. It's been a year and yet seems like nothing changed. Our protocols have gotten stricter and can't go out again.
    But hopefully things will be better.

    Stay safe!

    Jil Diamante

    1. I know lovely, it's been so hard and we can only hope that we can get back to some sort of normal soon x

  18. I feel like we are in the same place as we were last year. It has given me the chance to start a blog, work on myself and become happier. I like to look to the brighter side, but it can be so hard. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

    Em x

    1. It does feel like that doesn't it Em?! Who'd have thought that we would be in the same place as we were last year?! I'm glad that you have worked on yourself and you seem happy! x

  19. I think you're not alone in thinking that this last 12 months has pushed everyone to their limits! Hopefully we're all over this soon!

    Katie |

    1. It really has pushed us all to our limits hasn't it?! x

  20. Isn't it mad that it's been a whole year of lockdown! I've not had too bad an experience but at the same time I can't wait until things are semi-normal again (I'm so with you in hoping next march isn't more of the same because how crappy would that be!) Also I absolutely love your imagery here!

    1. It's insane Alice, it's hard to believe how quick it's gone! I'm hoping things return to semi-normal again soon too!

  21. I second with you on this post, girlll. My mental health has been all over the place. I just didn't know what to do with myself sometimes. Having said that, it has definitely thought me to live in the moment. -Tomorrow isn't promised. Yeah hopefully we will all come out kinder and thankful for life.
    Great post, Lucy. Have a blessed week ahead.

    1. I will definitely live in the moment once all of this is over too lovely, I hope you have an amazing week too! x

  22. Thanks for sharing your relfections of the last year of us being in lockdown, mine has been a challenge with working through it all and my mental health taking a turn for the worse, I will be glad to see the back of it all and to have time to go exploring instead of staying local. I do hope that you have the chance to get out to :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. I'm sorry to hear that your mental health took a turn for the worse lovely, I hope you are doing ok now. I can't wait to get out of Wales for a couple of days (when it's safer to do so!) I hope you manage to get away too!

  23. I think this last year has been such a struggle, but I feel like the first time in a year I have hope that there is a chance for some form of normality soon.

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

    1. I feel the same Amie, I just hope that there is a sense of normality on the horizon! x

  24. This last year has been such a strange one. In a lot of way life feels really stagnant, I haven't had to officially shield but I pretty much did until at least October when I finally went in a supermarket and still only go out once a week at the most now. I'm with you on being less tolerant, little things that people I know do annoy me so much when it comes to rule breaking. But I also became the fittest I've ever been during lockdown (nothing else to do, right?). I'm looking forward to feeling like I can move around more freely again but the thought of going out does make me very very nervous x


    1. That's great that you have upped your fitness level during lockdown, like you said, there hasn't been much else to do has there?! Like you, I want to get out there but I'm still nervous about doing that x

  25. I hope that we can have some sense of normality by this summer, but I'm skepitcal too because in Denmark we're still in the 2nd lockdown & some people don't follow the restrictions..
    I've also become a bit more hostile, but I hope that changes for me too. I've also had many ups & down, but things are starting to look up right now

    1. Oh no! It's such a shame that people cannot follow restrictions, I wish they would! Things are starting to look up right now so hang in there lovely!

  26. Aw, such a sweet post, Lucy! Honestly, this year I have been working on and prioritizing myself and its been amazing. I miss seeing my family so much and I hope that we can do this soon! Thank you for sharing xx

    Lynn |

    1. Thank you Lynn! I love that you have been working on yourself, it sounds like you are in a really good place! xx

  27. I find it so strange that this time a year ago, I was feeling more positive than I am now? Saying that, I honestly just cannot wait for April 12th.x

    1. I think I felt the same too Caroline, maybe because we all thought that during the first lockdown, it would all be over by the time it ended in the Summer? Plus staying at home all of the time was a novelty for a lot of us! x

  28. I can't believe it's already been a year. Thankfully I was only on lockdown for 2 months before going back to work so it hadn't been that long for me.

    1. Oh that's good that you weren't in lockdown for too long x

  29. Really hoping that restrictions continue to ease up for all my friends across the pond!! I can definitely attest to growing quite a lot over the course of the last year, and while there have been downs, there have certainly been ups as well x

    1. I like that you have found a little positivity during this lockdown lovely x

  30. I love how many positives you've taken from all the lockdowns. Like you, I'm grateful for many of the little things, especially the enforced family time. Not homeschool though, I'm not sorry to see the back of that! x

    1. I bet you don't miss home schooling! A couple of my friends have been homeschooling their kids and they hated it! x
