I’m Stuck In-between a Rock and a Hard Place...

...in terms of my career. I’m a qualified childcare worker and it’s been printed on my CV ever since I created one in college in the library (well, it’s been updated quite a lot since then) I always thought it was what I wanted to do. However, I think I’ve been completely blindsided by this and I feel I’ve missed out on the opportunities to go further in my career. Not that I want to become a teacher, there’s too much stress on teachers these days to get results and there’s too much paperwork, something I’m defo not marvellous at. All I know is that I’m stuck, I’m becoming stale.

I know people will roll their eyes at their laptop/phone screen and say “well just go out there and go after what you want!” Oh boys and girls, if only it were that simple. If I thought I could quit my job tomorrow knowing I would be financially secure, I’d literally skip to the office and hand in my notice with a huge grin on my face. I wish it was that easy, but life isn’t made to be easy, is it?

The thing is, when I think of quitting my job, I know it's the only one thing I'm really good at doing. Working with kids is so rewarding, the money is shit but it's such a good feeling helping kids to learn new things everyday. I'm not sure if I would be good at doing anything else. That does sound like I'm putting myself down quite a lot, but that's the result of poor confidence. The one perk of my job is the flexibility of it, as I work for a supply agency, I can pick and choose what days I work and what schools I want to go to.

I’ve been looking for writing jobs for months on end now, but where I live, there’s limited opportunities around. If I thought I could, I'd go into blogging full time. Like I said at the beginning though, financially that's not possible right now, unless I win the Lottery, then finances wouldn't be an issue!

The big question is - will I ever turn my blog into a full time career? Hmm, I honestly couldn't tell you. If only blogging could give you an instant wage packet when you first enter the Blogosphere.

I’m writing this post at 10:40 at night, knowing I’m going to a school tomorrow I haven’t been to before, so it’s time to dream of new possibilities and hope the dreams come true one day for me.

  1. Ah it's so difficult! It's always easier said than done to simply say 'follow your dreams'because in reality, it's not practical. All I can say is, keep writing!! An opportunity will come your way at some point and you deserve to be happy! Best of luck with the future Lucy x

    Evie x | eviejayne.co.uk

    1. Aww Evie thank you so much! You've made my day with your comment! x

  2. Figuring out what you want to do with your life is so tough! I'm currently trying to figure what the heck I want to do with mine and I'm having little to no luck with it! I've never even really been the person to have a dream job/career in mind. Good luck with deciding your future, Luce! x

  3. Lucy how do you stay safe from all the nasty infections that groups of children bring with them? I was a nursery nurse when I was younger but my CF wasn't diagnosed until I was 28 although always had bother with my chest. I now have a chest infection if anyone near me has a sore throat or runny nose. A nightmare when I have four grandchildren.

    1. I think I’ve just become immune to it all to be honest!
