How To Stay Connected During Lockdown

*This post is an AD (sponsored). Please see the end of the post for more details. 

The non-existent physical contact between loved ones now is hurting. It's been almost a year since I got to hug a member of my family or a friend, it's so incredibly sad and I miss the face-to-face contact so much. However, I've learnt to embrace the new form of communication that we have in our hands - technology.

In this day and age, we are very fortunate that we have so much technology at our fingertips to communicate with loved ones when we're not with them. Imagine if this pandemic came 15 or 20 years ago?! There was no social media, no Zoom, we only had cable internet and phones still needed some sort of aerial attached to get a signal out of it! 

As much as I miss seeing my family and friends, it's important for us all to play our part and stay home and keep each other safe, not just where I'm from in Wales (#KeepWalesSafe) but all over the UK and the world.

But thanks to the delights of modern technology today, there are so many forms of communication which don't need to involve social physical interaction. Here are some ways and ideas of how to stay connected during lockdown with your loved ones -

A FaceTime call with loved ones is always a mood lifter. During lockdown, it's the perfect chance to catch up on what has happened during the last week. It can be a chance to talk about the latest Netflix series that you've been watching, what either one of you has been baking lately, how long your hair has grown etc. Not only does having a FaceTime call give you a chance to catch up with family and friends, you can also have a little fun with it by playing simple games, here's some examples -

*20 questions
*Never I Have Ever
*Would You Rather
*A sing song

Zoom became super-duper popular during the Spring lockdown last year, it's a great platform to connect with so many people in one place. It doesn't have to be an app to use for those early morning work meetings, I definitely think Zoom is a great form of communication to use for special occasions e.g. birthdays. Seeing as we cannot go out to celebrate our birthday's how we usually would, here are some Zoom night ideas for the birthday's that need to be celebrated safely during lockdown -

*Movie night - choose a movie, pop a pizza in the oven, cwtch down in front of the TV and enjoy the film!

*A pamper night - all your friends grab a face mask, get into your dressing gowns and imagine you're at a health spa for the day/evening!

*A quiz night - this really doesn't need any explanation. Get one of your friends/family to be the quiz master and see who is the most competitive amongst your friends/family. Odds on it would be me.  

*Pictionary - this is a recent discovery for me, but you can actually play Pictionary on Zoom on it's whiteboard. Trying to guess people's drawings can be hilarious. 

*A cocktail night - make some cocktails/mocktails together and enjoy!

There are so many options relating to Zoom fun nights and it's such a unique and fun way to celebrate your birthday. 

Now, this may seem like THE obvious method to connect with someone from home. But I think of people like my Nan who struggle with modern technology (my Nan thought her Smart Meter was my mobile phone once) and would appreciate a phone call on a daily or weekly basis. My Nan lives on her own and I know she loves to hear a friendly and familiar voice at the end of the phone, don't forget to check up on loved ones using this method. 

4) A  TEXT  //  DM
Again, another VERY obvious method to use to contact someone during lockdown, but we need to remember to text friends and family now and again to check in and make sure they're doing ok. Don't ever feel like you're going to be a bother to someone, that someone may need some kind words and reassurance. 

No, I haven't stepped back into the Victorian times! I know letter writing is a dying art and something which we don't ever think of doing these days. But it may be fun to write a letter to that online friend (as long as you are close enough to know each other's addresses) and allow that little ritual (for want of a better word) to become a cute part of your friendship! Plus going out to post the letter in your post-box can be a part of your outdoor exercise. Two birds and all that!

I hope this has given you the motivation to call that friend and family member you haven't spoken to in a little while, after all, everybody wants to hear or see a friendly voice and face every day. 

How are you staying connected with family and friends during lockdown? Let me know!

*This post is a sponsored post. All connection views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support as always!
  1. We are so lucky we have all these different technologies these days otherwise think how hard it would be to speak to our loved ones!

    Great post Lucy! x

    Katy |

    1. Absolutely Katy, where would we be without them?!
      Thank you for reading lovely x

  2. Thanks for sharing, I have been keeping up a lot with people on Zoom, it has helped to :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures & Bakes

    1. Zoom is such a great way to connect to loved ones from home Nic x

  3. Totally agree that, we are so lucky and privileged to have access to social media to stay connected. Zoom especially makes it so easy, and I love the sound of the ideas you listed. Great post xx

    Hannah |

    1. Absolutely Hannah! We're so incredibly lucky to have all this technology at our fingertips to stay in touch with loved ones xx

  4. Honestly, we are SO lucky to have the technology to connect with one another available while going through this. I can't imagine having lived through pandemics in the past without that ability to still stay in touch. Another great video chatting option to look into is Google Meets. We have been using it a lot with my husband's side of the family because it doesn't have the time limit for larger groups that Zoom has.

    1. We really are Britt, could you imagine going through all this years and years ago when there was no technology such as what we have today?!
      Thank you for recommending Google Meets lovely, I'll try that one day!

  5. I love this, this is so important especially at the moment. Thank you for sharing x

    1. Thank you Rachael, I hope you are doing ok in this current lockdown x

  6. I am so glad we have the ability to communicate with friends and family via electronics or online. The pandemic would have been so much harder without!

    1. So do I Kelly, like you said, the pandemic would have been a lot tougher without all this technology!

  7. As you say, if we'd had this pandemic a few years ago, when all this technology didn't exist, I think keeping in touch would have been almost impossible. I use Zoom most days, and while I do get fatigued by it, I'm very intrigued to discover you can play Pictionary on its whiteboard! xx

    1. It would have been almost impossible Lisa, it would have been so difficult! I would definitely have a look into playing Pictionary on Zoom! xx

  8. We're so lucky to have the level of technology this day and age to keep connected! I've been really enjoying zoom and facetime calls xx

    1. Absolutely Della, where would we be without technology today?! xx

  9. I absolutely love that you included so many lovely activities to do alongside each major idea! Writing a letter is such a wonderful idea; it's been awhile since I sat down and sent anyone a card or letter just because, so I def need to do so soon x

    1. Thank you Macey! I think these activities are a great night in! I think letter writing is so personal and just a lovely thing to do! x

  10. I am so grateful for technology, I keep saying can you imagine this pandemic 25/30 years ago! It would have been horrendous.

    These are great ways to keep in touch and enjoy 'company' without being close to each other x

    1. It definitely would have been horrendous Claire! x

  11. Honestly, can you IMAGINE if the pandemic happened 20 years ago? Before Zoom, FaceTime, the internet and how easy it is to connect with anyone, anywhere in the world? I dread to even think about it tbh. It's definitely been a hard time for a lot of people. Although honestly, I feel like I've connected with MORE people during this time through Zoom etc! x

    1. Oh I know Jenny, it would have been a nightmare! That's amazing to hear that you have managed to connect to more people through Zoom! x

  12. I genuinly don't know how I would have coped without social media to keep in touch with my family, my sister and brother especially! I do love the idea of writing a letter though :) xx

    1. Social media has been a godsend during this lockdown, even though it can be an overwhelming place sometimes, it does have it's good purposes xx

  13. I've been trying to ring and text people more now that we're in another lockdown. It really helps to have a conversation with someone else every now and again.

    Kayleigh x

    1. That's something I have been trying to do also Kayleigh, I want to keep in touch with my friends as often as possible during this lockdown! x

  14. My phone has been my key to speaking to all of the people I love. We facetime a lot and we still use House Party to get all of us on screen at once. It's really helped me through tough days!


    1. That's good to hear that you're using these forms of technology to keep in touch with all the people you love Rosie!

  15. Great post Lucy! So important to stay connected these days. x

    Zoey |

    1. Thank you Zoey, you're right, it's so important to stay connected these days! x

  16. I said this a lot last year! We're so lucky that the technology we have allows us to stay connected, kids can have online classes and the vast majority can still work from home. I can't even imagine how much harder it would be if we didn't have all of those things. I've even managed to teach my grandparents how to make video calls, something I never thought would happen x


    1. We really are lucky Sophie! I love how you mentioned about kids having their classes online, it's still great that they're still getting their education online and can still learn from home. That's so lovely to hear that your grandparents now know how to make video calls thanks to you! x

  17. During the first lockdown we had family quizzes every week on Zoom with my whole extended family which was super fun but I feel like everyone is fed up with it now almost a year later! I love letters though I wish more people wrote them, so I may actually start writing to some of my friends.

    1. Aww that does sound like fun Alice! I love a quiz, I'm going to try and set one up for me and my family to do! I think writing letter is a lost art form and I wish more people would still do it!

  18. Honestly, I am so grateful for Facebook and Zoom and all of the other tech at our disposal during these seemingly infinite lockdowns! I dread to think how much tougher it would have been without them! Thank you for sharing lovely xx
    Amy |

    1. I think we're all definitely grateful for all the technology at our fingertips! xx

  19. I agree we are so lucky to have so much technology in our hands. I definitely don't think I would have coped without Facetime.

    1. We really are Kelly, FaceTime is such a great form of communication x

  20. We're so lucky with modern technology to be able to have conversations all over the world. Thank you for your post. Amy at xx

    1. We really are very lucky Amy!
      Thank you for reading! xx

  21. It's so funny how things like Zoom are such the norm down, im such an anxious person when it comes to video chat and even just normal phone calls so its harder for me!

    1. It's mad how Zoom has become the norm in terms of communication Ellie! I hate speaking on the phone also!

  22. Zoom has been such a big thing with my family during in lockdown, it's mainly how we keep in touch. I love the idea of writing letters too x

    1. That's great to hear that you've been using Zoom in lockdown to keep in touch with your family Kayleigh x

  23. I'm so grateful for technology. Zoom is what I've been using for uni, but messenger call and WhatsApp call is what I've been using with my family. Loved playing games over call at Christmas.
    Lottie x

    1. I like using WhatsApp to keep in touch with my family and friends too Lottie! x

  24. I really liked Netflix Party (although I think they've changed name) to watch tv shows and films with my boyfriend when we lived apart in the summer! Such a cute way to feel like you're having a movie night!

    Katie |

    1. Aww that's a lovely thing to do while living apart from your boyfriend Katie!

  25. We are all incredibly lucky about the amazing technology that we all have! I am definitely grateful for it to be able to communicate to my family and even my Nan and grandad because it has been hard not seeing them. But if we all do our bit there will be a time we can all come together again xx

    1. We really are Gemma! Where would we be without it?! Hopefully the time will happen soon where we can all get together again and just enjoy each others company! xx

  26. Fantastic post. There are so many creative ways to stay in touch during lockdown. We discovered Zoom and quizzes, and since then we haven't looked back. I honestly much prefer it!

    1. You're right lovely, there are so many creative ways to stay in touch during lockdown! That's good to hear that you're enjoying your Zoom quizzes!

  27. This is such a great post, these are some great ideas. I will be trying some out with my family in the future thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Sarah, I'm glad I've inspired you to try some of these ideas!

  28. These are all such great tips for staying connected during these tough times. Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. I hope you take these tips on board Charity!

  29. I'm definitely grateful for the technology that we have right now! A ZOOM cocktail night sounds like the perfect way to keep connected during lockdown :) x

    1. You'll have to set up that sort of evening with your friends Faye! x

  30. I agree, we’re so lucky to have the various methods of staying in contact with each other! I think writing a letter is such a nice idea, it feels more personal and thoughtful! X

    1. We really are fortunate to have all these technology at our fingertips Lorna! Letter writing is definitely a lost art form and something I wish more of us would do x

  31. Love this post, Lucy! Over the holidays last year, my family and I did a lot of zoom calls and it was a lot of fun. We are so overdue for one. Thank you for sharing xx

    1. Thank you Lynn! I hope you manage to make many more Zoom calls with your family xx
