Riley: A Review of the Organic Period Care Brand

*There are PR items from Riley in this post. See the end of the post for more details. 

I like to use organic and sustainable period products for period and menstrual cycle care. When I think about the toxins and chemicals found in some mainstream period care products, it makes me shudder. As the area is a very intimate and sensitive area for women, we must take care of it and use safe, organic products during our menstrual cycles. This is where Riley comes in.

Riley pantyliners and probiotic supplments.

Riley believes that our vaginas deserve the best - and they're absolutely right! They are also on a mission to end plastic use in period products and have created products which are sustainable, organic and plastic-free. 

Riley has created a period subscription box, meaning we women don't need to go panic-looking for a tampon or pad when our period starts. Riley will also allow you to cancel and/or re-activate your subscription, skip a delivery or change the date of your delivery whenever you need to. For someone who sometimes has fluctuating periods, this is a perfect option for me. 

So, what period products does Riley sell? 

Riley sells standard period products - tampons, pads, pantyliners and even a probiotic supplement. All products are organic, sustainable and plastic-free.

Riley pantyliners and probiotic supplement.

How does Riley's subscription box work?

Building a period box on Riley is super easy. Firstly, you choose whether you would like your delivery to be every 3 or 6 months. You then choose the period products that you prefer to use during your menstrual cycle. Then all you simply have to do is pay. So easy and fuss-free! 

If you're a Mum/Dad/Guardian of a girl who has just started her period, you can buy a 'My First Period Bundle' from Riley's website! Something I wish I could have had the option to buy when I first started my period. The bundle comes with two daytime pads, two nighttime pads, 4 sets of different tampons, a mini canvas storage pouch for your products and even a pair of socks! Such a brilliant idea and one I think I'd love to see rolled out in primary schools/comprehensive schools for older girls. 

What products have I tried from Riley?

When Riley got in contact with me about their brand, I wanted to try their pantyliners and their probiotic supplement

The winged pantyliners come in pretty recyclable packaging and are made from 100% certified organic cotton. They are perfect for lighter-flow days or if you would some daily protection. The pantyliners are also biodegradable, toxin-free and comfortable to wear. I think there is a stigma when it comes to pantyliners or pads for being too bulky or uncomfortable to wear. But I find them just the opposite. It's just about buying the ones that are the perfect size for you. 

Riley pantyliners

The probiotic supplement has a blend of ingredients that include 10 diverse probiotic strains that promote vaginal health. These probiotics are nutritionist-approved and vegan. Ask your doctor's permission before using these if you are taking any other medication. I have noticed a difference in terms of my gut health when taking these probiotics. 

Riley probiotic supplement

Would I recommend Riley? 

I definitely would!

I love everything that Riley stands for with their products. Their products are of amazing quality! I love how sustainable and organic their products are too! The women who created Riley have done the most incredible job in making the brand what it is today!

Fancy a discount code? Use the code LUCYMARY20 to get 20% off sitewide

Riley pantyliners and probiotic supplement.

Let me know what you think! Have you tried their period products before?

*These products from Riley were sent to me for coverage on social media, not in exchange for a blog post. All views are my own. For more information, please read my disclaimer. Thank you for your support as always!
  1. It's great to hear you enjoyed Riley's Products - in Canada there's a similar service that I love and have found to be so helpful for my periods!

    1. That's good that there is a similar service in Canada!

  2. I've never thought about a period product subscription box, but it makes so much sense! I'm always looking for ways to be more sustainable, so thanks for sharing!

    1. It's such a good idea and a great way to be sustainable!

  3. I love the subscription box element to Riley - It makes so much sense and will stop so many people from getting caught short. I wish things like this were available too when I was younger. I'm glad to see things changing though!


    1. Absolutely Claire, it saves the panicky moments when you're looking for a tampon or pad! Like you, I wish something like this was around when we were younger! x

  4. These sound great! Love the fact they have a first period option too for girls. The probiotic tablets would be something I'd be interested in too x

    Beth @ Polished Couture x

    1. I love that they have a 'First Period Box' for girls who are just starting their period, such a brilliant idea! The probiotics are great if you're looking for good gut health! x

  5. I love the idea of this! Like you, I wish I had a service like this when I got my first period (I got mine quite young) and I wish there was more services like this available in the United States.

    1. I wish I had this kind of thing when I got my first period too Winnie, it would have been so helpful!

  6. This looks like an awesome alternative to regular pads and tampons. I couldn't get into those other things. The panty and the cup just seem so messy. I'm pretty sure I'm nearing the end of my cycles. But, my daughter is 9 so I'm sure she will be needing something like this in a few years. Thank you for sharing!

    1. This brand may be very helpful for your daughter in the future Kristen!

  7. I have been using TOTM's sustainable/organic pantyliners - I definitely agree that organic is the way to go! Love the subscription feature of Riley, and the 'my first period' box sounds great x

    1. I would love to try TOTM's products, I've heard good things about them! I love the 'First Period' box that Riley have to offer, it's such a good concept x

  8. I've not heard of this brand but I love how there are so many products like this these days! I hope they come to supermarkets eventually to make it easier to buy!

    Corinne x

    1. I hope Riley start selling their products in supermarkets too Corinne! x

  9. These products are making things easier for young girls. This should be available at the supermarkets.

    1. They definitely make things easier for young girls Lani, hopefully it'll be made available in supermarkets soon x

  10. I never even thought about organic period care products, but you're so right and I think I need to make the switch!

    1. I like that there are more sustainable period products around now Gemma!

  11. I love the subscription idea - definitely handy rather than panic buying (or using what you can get hold off in a rush!). Do you find that they are absorbable enough? I have a specific brand in specific size that I use - I'd love to move to greener options but the one I tried just didn't absorb well enough.

    1. A subscription is such a hassle free way of making sure you get your period products before your menstrual cycle starts! I find that these liners are absorbable and perfect for all day wear Hannah x

  12. Interesting brand I hope it comes to Singapore, definately would like to try it. Thanks for sharing awesome post!

  13. Never heard of Riley before, but I'll definitely have to give them a look as I'm always on the lookout for new and better period products x

    1. It's such a good sustainable period product brand Lea-Mai! x

  14. I absolutely LOVE Riley and their period products. I swore by them when Jack was first born. I love their ethos and their celebration of women having periods!
    Love your review, gorgeous photos

    1. I love the brand for the same reasons as you Rosie! I love how they promote and celebrate women and taking away the stigma of talking about periods so openly! x

  15. I haven't heard of this before. I will need to look into them more!

    Danielle |

  16. I love the idea of the 'My First Period Bundle.' I also wish that existed when I was younger! Sounds like a brilliant way to support young girls and make the whole experience less daunting. Kudos to Riley for being so thoughtful

    1. The First Period Bundle is such a brilliant idea for young girls who have just started their period! Riley have really come up with a terrific way to ease the worries of girls who have got their period x

  17. The subscription box is such a good idea Molly!

  18. Who knew period products could be so chic?! I love the packaging and the fact that they're organic. Thanks for sharing your review and introducing me to Riley. Now I can have a stylish period too! 😂💁‍♀️

    Candice x

  19. I've used Riley's pads, and they're fantastic! I also love that they're sustainable!
    It was great to read about your experience with their pantyliners and probiotic supplement. I'll definitely have to check out their probiotic supplement next time!

  20. Thanks for sharing, I use the own supermarket brands as they tend be cheaper in the long run than having a subscription box, but these look interesting idea if they were a little more affordable :)

    Nic | Nic's Adventures
