The No-Show by Beth O'Leary: A Review

I've made it no secret that Beth O'Leary's books are some of my favourite books. From The Flat Share to The Road Trip, her books never cease to amaze me. Her writing style is beautiful, all her books have that sense of warmth running through them. Her latest one, The No-Show is no exception. 

Let's set the premise - three women, three dates, and one missing man.

The No-Show by Beth O'Leary book.

The mystery man is Joseph Carter, who doesn't show up to three Valentine's dates. The three women in question, Siobhan, Jane and Miranda are all angry and somewhat flummoxed as to why he hasn't shown up to their dates respectively. As the story unfolds, we go through the POVs of the three women and how they know Joseph Carter and their backstories. 

I can't elaborate too much on the plot of the story as it would give too much away. But let me just say this, have some good tissues on standby, you're going to need them after the 200-page mark. Not many books have made me well up and/or cry in the past, but this one had me in floods. 

The No-Show felt a little different from Beth's previous novels. I don't mean that in a bad way, it just had that sense of not wanting it to end. I thought as I started reading it, that it would be hard to keep up with the perspective of three characters through the book. However, the chapters of each woman aren't too long, making it easier to keep up with and remember where you left off in each individual chapter. 

The No-Show by Beth O'Leary

Would I recommend The No-Show by Beth O'Leary?

Abso-bloody-lutely! This is one of (or dare I say her best) books she's written. I warmed to each character straight away, even Joseph. With Joseph, you do get to see his charming nature and at times, his emotional unavailability. With the three leading ladies, I could familiarise myself and relate to each of them in different ways. Siobhan for her strong will and her need to have it all together, Jane for her love of books, self-doubt and naivety and Miranda for independence and for being so headstrong. 

The ending of the book is heartbreaking yet heartwarming. In the last quarter of the book, everything begins to make sense and all three women's stories all link together. The end is linked together beautifully and even though there is a sadness near the end, your heart does get that warm feeling back thanks to Beth's meticulous and poignant writing. 

The plot twist about three-quarters of the way through the book really confounded and slightly confused me. After that, I couldn't put the book down for a single second. I had to know how it ended. It was definitely worth the read and I cannot wait to read Beth's next novel.

The No-Show by Beth O'Leary book.

Have you read The No-Show by Beth O'Leary? Let me know!

  1. The book sounds very intriguing, I do like a good plot twist. A brilliant review.

    1. You can't beat a good plot twist in a book!

  2. Ohh wow! I'm such a crier, I'm sure I'd definitely be shedding a few tears at this one. It sounds super interesting though. I'm getting much more into reading recently.


    1. You really need some tissues when reading this book Claire! I'm happy to hear that you're getting back into reading recently, I hope you add The No-Show to your TBR list! x

  3. Thanks for the review and recommendation, I can't stop reading atm and always looking for new ideas. This sounds like the perfect one for the weekend as I get near the end of mine now. Plus I will be sneaking into some book shops tomorrow between clients so I'll keep an eye out hehe. My TBR is getting very long 😂

    1. I hope you make this book your next oe to read Ell! I hope you manage to get a good range of books tomorrow between clients!

  4. i've never heard of this book but it sounds great and a good mixture of loads of emotions to experienece haha!! going on my tbr asap!! thank you for sharing your review <3

    jessica |

    1. It's definitely full of emotions Jessica! I hope you get the chance to read it soon x

  5. The Flat Share has been on my TBR list for ages, but I still haven't read any Beth O'Leary - maybe this one is a better one to start with! x

    1. The Flat Share is also an amazing read Lisa! x

  6. I'll have to add this to my list of books to read, especially after hearing how highly you spoke of it! This sounds like such a great book! Thanks for sharing this review! :)

    1. It's a really heartwarming yet heartbreaking read Melissa, you need to read it!

  7. I'm in need of a good new book to keep me entertained. This one sounds great with all of its plot twists, thank you!

    1. This book will definitely keep you entertained Rosie!

  8. It sounds like a brilliant book! It's not my usual genre of choice but it sounds interesting and now I'm curious about why he didn't show up!

    Corinne x

    1. It's great how Beth keeps us hooked in with this book and how she ties everything together at the end! x

  9. I'm yet to read any of Beth's books but the fact you didn't want it to end speaks volumes.

    1. Beth's book are some lovely reads and are books that I never want to put down x

  10. I still haven't gotten around to reading any books by Beth O'Leary, but I need too! The No-Show definitely does sound intriguing, and I'll have to add it to my TBR!

    1. This one is definitely an intriguing read, I love Beth O'Leary's books!

  11. I read this book a few months ago on one day. Safe to say I LOVED it too! Such a good book, I'm still thinking about it. And very much looking forward to her newest book x

    1. Wow, I wish I could read a whole book in one day! I'm glad you loved the book as much as I did! I'm looking forward to reading her newest book also! x

  12. Your review makes me want to read this book!

  13. Ohhhhh I need to read more such a great review

  14. I haven’t read any of Beth O’Leary books but heard good things about the books. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Lauren -
