My Vision Board For 2023

At the start of 2023, I wanted to be more open-minded about manifestation. I shouldn't have dismissed it so casually without even trying. So, I thought of one way in which I can practice manifestation in the simplest of forms - creating a vision board. It's no secret that I am not a believer in manifestation. I believe that everything happens for a reason. For instance, if something you desire doesn't manifest, maybe that is a sign that it was not meant to be for you. As I said, I wanted to change my attitude towards the practice of manifestation, and I think creating a vision board helps with that.

It took me a while to create my vision board as I wasn't sure what I truly wanted to gain from 2023. I've already got some big plans coming my way this year - my 30th birthday, my cousin's wedding etc. I carefully thought about how I would like my 2023 to pan out. After reading Victoria's post on vision boards, it helped me so much to create my own. Here is my finished 2023 vision board and what it looks like -

Vision board

1) Quote - A Beautiful Day Begins With A Beautiful Mindset

This quote really sums up how I want to begin every day in 2023. Something I have started doing is thinking of three positive thoughts when I wake up in the morning. For example, I'll think of three positive things that I know are going to happen for me that day. Maybe it's meeting a friend or a family member. It can be watching something new on Netflix. It could even be as simple as going for a walk or exercising. Waking up and thinking of the good things has really helped my mindset for the day ahead. 

2) A career goal - work towards my dream job

My dream job is to get involved in writing for a magazine or even, the even bigger dream, of being editor of my own lifestyle magazine. I'm also eager to start writing more posts for my blog and branch out into different topics. Maybe even start a blog newsletter.

3) A hobby I'd like to take up (again) - reading

Is reading classed as a hobby? I'm not too sure. Anyway, I'd like to start reading on a regular basis again. I used to adore reading. I read so many books during the lockdowns. But when life went back to normal, I never found the time for it. This is something I am aiming to rectify in 2023. I need to make the time to sit down and grab a book. Even if I start off by just reading 5 minutes a day, it could help me build up momentum to read for a lot longer. 

A flatlay of someone creating a vision board

4) A travel goal - The Cotswolds

The Cotswolds has been on my travel to-do list for so long. As it's my 30th this year, I'd love to visit here at some point during 2023. Whether I stay in an Airbnb or in a country hotel, I'd love to explore the beautiful countryside and the beautiful aesthetics of the Cotswolds. Any recommendations for Airbnb's or hotels etc, let me know!

5) A clothing style I want to emulate - a minimalistic style

I've been working on this before 2023 even started. I want my wardrobe to be more minimalistic and have more of a capsule wardrobe. I've reached a point where I don't like buying clothes for the sake of it. I'd rather buy quality pieces which I know I can re-wear and restyle with different outfits. From an environmental perspective, it's better to have fewer, better quality clothes than more clothes which only get 1-2 wears tops. And honestly - I love buying less. It's more satisfying and exciting buying something which is really good quality just a couple of times a month.

A flatlay of vision board cards

6) A health and fitness goal - work harder with exercise

I do love to exercise. I've never lost my love for that. However, after my recent stint in the hospital, I realised that I really do need to push myself a lot harder. They say that an hour workout is just 4% of your day, so, for me personally, there's no excuse for me not to do a workout. Obviously, there are going to be times when fitting in a workout may not be possible. But I want to aim to fit in a workout as often as I can during the week. 

7) A purchase I'd love to make - another designer bag

I currently have two designer bags. One I use for every day use, the other for going out-out. I want to add a third to my collection. It doesn't necessarily have to be a Chanel bag as I've used in my vision board. It's just an idea. I'm not even entirely sure which one I really want yet, but when I do, I'll manifest that bag until it's mine!

8) A place I'd like to visit (again) - Liverpool

I don't really need to manifest this one as Liverpool is on my travel plans for this year already as I have a weekend booked in April. I cannot wait to visit my happy place again in a couple of months time. One thing I'd like to do is visit a lot more landmarks in Liverpool. There are still some places I haven't visited yet and I hope I can do that when I'm up there. 

Creating a vision board

So there you have it - my vision board for 2023!

I'd love to know your thoughts on my vision board. Have you created one for yourself this year? Let me know!
  1. I love your vision board! I'm not big on manifestation, but I think a vision board is a really nice baby step towards that and more achievable if that makes sense! And as someone who reads a lot I'd say reading is definitely a hobby!
    Amy x

    1. I'm not big on manifestation either Amy, that's why I chose to do a vision board and see if that helps me sway towards manifestation! x

  2. Your vision board looks great, visiting the Cotswolds would be beautiful. Oh and to buy a designer bag would be such a dream this year!

    Kathleen /

    1. It's been on my travel to-do list for so long, and I'm determined to visit this year!

  3. Oh I love all of this!! I don't have a vision board for this year, but this is making me want to make one. I'll report back!


    1. Please report back when you make one Claire! x

  4. I love vision boards and have learned so much within the last year. I find the more specific you are, the better. Good luck on reaching your goals Lucy! Thank you for sharing yours!

    1. I think I prefer to be more specific about vision boards than have vague ideas!

  5. This is such a good idea, I have goal lists similar to this to help me achieve what I want but I think seeing it visually would really help me

    1. Visual goals help me more than the ones I write down Alice x

  6. I love the idea of making a vision board for 2023, and I loved seeing yours and reading about your goals! I'll be turning 30 this year too, and I do have some goals I would like to achieve, so mayble I should make my own vision board too!

    1. I hope you make your own vision board for 2023 Karalee!

  7. Thanks for sharing your vision board. I hope all your visions come true!

  8. Your vision board is beautiful. Like you, I am also trying to have a minimalistic wardrobe. I like to declutter once per year because sometimes I don’t wear the pieces I think I’ll wear and end up donating them. I’m trying not to do that anymore because I find donating to be a huge hassle and frankly I would rather invest in other things like travel or something to better my life.

    1. Thank you Winnie!
      Like you, I have a declutter 1-2 times a year and I end up donating clothes to charity x

  9. Your vision board looks awesome. I am wanting to make a vision board and think it would be a great way to ensure I stay on track for my goals. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

    1. I hope you get the chance to make your own vision board Lauren! x

  10. I've never created a vision board for myself, but I've seen many others do it beautifully. Perhaps I'll give it a shot next month. :D Thanks so much for sharing x

    1. It's worth trying to make a vision board for yourself Merry, you may enjoy it and make some good goals for yourself! x

  11. I love this idea. I can't remember the last time I created a vision board. Like you, I'm a bit sceptical when it comes to manifesting but you've got some lovely goals

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only person who is a little sceptical about manifesting Kelly!

  12. I love this vision board, as you, I am not much into manifestation, but I love the idea of crating one to visualize what to work on!

    1. A vision board is a good way to visualise how you want your year to go!

  13. I LOVE your vision board! I've got so many hopes and dreams for this year but they're very low key like a sunny holiday, lots of time in the garden and being with my baby!

    1. Thank you Rosie! I hope you manage to go on a sunny holiday and spend lots of time in the garden and with your baby!

  14. I love a vision board. Better fitness and health is on my vision as well as creating a capsule wardrobe or at least decreasing the clothes in my wardrobe.

  15. I love this! Vision boards are amazing and so helpful because you have your dreams and goals right in front of you!

    Krissi of the marquise diamond

    1. Absolutely Krissi, they are so hopeful in helping to achieve your dreams and goals for the year ahead!

  16. Aw I really want to create a vision board, they're so lovely x
