Comparing Myself To...Myself

Comparing myself to myself - that's a thinker!

Let me start from the beginning, I did quite a random thing the other night (don’t get any ideas!) I was scrolling through my Instagram, right back to about three years ago when I posted near on everyday. Remembering an innocent time when engagement and likes wasn’t such a hot button issue with me, well, with us all I suppose. I would happily post pictures on there freely, not post on there at a certain time of day when I think the engagement on said photo would rocket (PAH!)

Comparing Myself To...Myself

I’m going off track now. Anyway, so I was delving right into my Insta grid like I would with a bag of Dorito’s and I took a particular notice to my selfies. I looked at them and I came to the conclusion that my selfies looked better back three years ago than they do now. Now, I’m not saying I’ve completely had a face transplant in three years, but it seems like I looked different back then. Some of you may not even notice any difference whatsoever in the picture below.

Comparing Myself To...Myself

Then it hit me - the reason I look different is because I wasn’t trying so hard to take the perfect selfie. Nowadays I try my utmost best to take the perfect selfie, I search in vain for the ideal lighting and unblemished background. When I have a selfie session (not that I plan them, but you know) it gets to the point where I feel like chucking my phone out the window when I can’t get that Insta worthy selfie.

So there I was, comparing myself to...myself. I didn’t think that was even possible - until now.

Comparing Myself To...Myself

Somedays, I’ll take a selfie and it’ll be the best one I’ve taken in a hella long time. I’ll post it on all of my social media channels to show people I can look like decent human being. Then other days, I’ll take a selfie and I’ll look like a bulldog chewing a wasp and I’ll immediately hit delete.

I’ve said this before, comparison is an evil game we play all the time. It’s like playing trump cards, it’s like your scoring points with the other person to see who’s got the better hair, smile, clothes, life etc. I always think I lose. Yet the mad thing is - my opponent thinks they’ve lost to me. I hope that makes sense to you all, I know what I mean anyway!

Comparing Myself To...Myself

That’s insecurities for you, they eat your self esteem, confidence and self worth alive. I’ve been playing the comparison game lately and I’ve grasped that I’ll always play it. There’s no way of stopping it, it just kind of happens, like dandruff, dandruff just kinda happens. Not that I have dandruff on my hair.

But is comparison of yourself even more dangerous than the comparison you make with others? I think it can be. I feel like I’ve let myself go and I’ve given up on trying to make myself look my banging best. However, does it give you the incentive to better yourself and to prove to others that you’re a completely different person that they perceive you to be?

Maybe I’ll let you guys figure that one out in your spare time. Now, I can't be the only person on this planet who is doing this?!

  1. THIS, I do this all the time and I annoy myself so much. I look almost exactly the same, and my weight has only fluctuated about 5lb in 10 years, so I know it's all in my head - and to be honest, that annoys me even more. I hide from the camera so much and I'm always trying to get the 'perfect' selfie when I do take them. We put ourselves through so much! x


    1. Exactly Sophie! Our minds are terrible things sometimes, they make you believe something that isn’t really true! x

  2. I think sometimes your view on pictures change too. One image; you may think you look awful, but then going back to it a long time later; you actually go "that's a great pic of me". I think it definitely makes your mind whirl! It's all about perception isn't it? Great though provoking post!

    Aimsy xoxo

    1. Yes it does Aimsy! Our mind has this terrible way of playing tricks on us! xx

  3. Ah I know exactly what you mean! I honestly miss the days when I used to enjoy Instagram for what it was... it's so different now! x

    Kate Louise Blogs

    1. So do I Kate! Things seemed so innocent on Instagram years ago, now it's a fight to see who can get the most likes on their photo's! x

  4. This is such an interesting post! I was only thinking the other day how different my Instagram habits are now compared to how they were a few years ago. There's no doubt that it was easier when I had no idea what engagement or algorithm were! I think your selfies are all gorgeous though girl!
    Soph x

    1. You're right Soph, Instagram seemed a lot more innocent back then and it was such a fun app, nowadays people are so focused on engagement and moaning about algorithms, it's sad really.
      Ah thank you lovely! x

  5. I used to share a lot more selfies on my social media, but I don't really do that anymore. I also find it a lot harder now to get the perfect selfie. I share outfit pictures, but they aren't up close and personal. I do think we all compare ourselves to ourselves and others a little too much. It's a shame but I think we will all one day break past that.

    Ellyn x | Life Of A Beauty Nerd

    1. I’m the same Ellyn, my outfit pictures are the only kind of selfies I share now, I barely share close up ones now x

  6. I 100% get you! I'm constantly comparing myself to my past self and it's something I wish I could stop but like you say we are all guilty of putting pressure on ourselves!

    Tabitha ♥

    1. I wish I could stop doing that too Tabitha! x

  7. I am constantly comparing myself to myself. Beating myself up for every visible change in myself. I am honestly my own biggest critic.

    But I do feel this is better than comparing myself to others as this can have a huge impact on my mental health.

    I was the selfie Queen when I'd lost all my weight, now I can't imagine being that person again.

    Thank you for sharing so openly x

    1. I'm my biggest critic too lovely, but I agree with you, it's can be just as bad on our mental health comparing ourselves to others x

  8. I've never thought about this, although I do sometimes scroll back through my photos on the blog and cringe at my older outfits, haha! I guess it's easy to fall into a comparison trap no matter what we post!

    Hope that you had a wonderful weekend! I just posted my Weekday Wear Linkup, I'd love you to join! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Absolutely Mica! We always fall into the comparison trap!

  9. This really does happen, and it's so weird to think that you do compare yourself to yourself! I was actually doing this the other day, looking at my insta and thinking what's happened? My photos are a lot more posey now than they were back in the day! It's like I feel I need photos now that are 'wow' or 'cool' rather than just a photo of me looking like me.

    1. OMG I feel exactly the same Kate! I think I take more 'posey' pictures and selfies now than I do more natural ones! I find my more natural ones don't look as good as they used to though!

  10. Well this has given me a lot to think about! I absolutely hate photos of myself now - but never used to! Perhaps that's why?


    1. Aww you look lovely in your photo's Jenny, I love your Insta feed! But I'm like you, I hate photo's of myself now x
